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  1. 1.      Can I apply for the scholarship if I am a beginner in Chinese?
    All applicants are welcome to apply for the Huayu BEST scholarship starting in 2022, as the Chinese language proficiency requirement has been waived.

    2.      How many students can get the scholarship?
    University of Virginia: 5-15 people
    University of Leeds: 5-15 people

    *The exact quota of scholarships we offer depends on the applicants' duration of the exchange.

    3.      Would the grant pay for the housing and food?
    No. The stipend is NT$ 25,000 per month, housing and food excluded.

    4.    More working details about the primary and secondary schools. What to teach, and how to teach?

    l   Scholarship recipients from the University of Virginia: Scholarship recipients from the University of Virginia will be facilitating the English courses at Shenkeng elementary school  (a public elementary school close to NCCU) for a total of 10 hours during their stay in Taiwan.)

    l   Scholarship recipients from the University of Leeds: Scholarship recipients from the University of Leeds will be facilitating the English courses at Shenkeng elementary school (a public elementary school close to NCCU) for a total of 10 hours during their stay in Taiwan.)

    5.      Can I still apply for the Huayu BEST scholarship even though I will be graduating this summer?
    No. To be eligible for this program, applicants must be UVA or University of Leeds students at the time they are studying in Taiwan.

    6.       At least how long do I have to stay in Taiwan and take courses at NCCU’s Chinese Language Center in order to apply for and receive the scholarship?
    You are required to study Chinese at NCCU for at least three months in order to apply for and receive the Huayu BEST scholarship. The course term of NCCU’s Chinese Language Center is divided into four terms(spring, summer, fall, and winter) and each term is about 3 months. You can visit the website of NCCU’s Chinese Language Center ( to learn more about the Chinese courses. You may decide the length of time (3-12 months) you would like to study in Taiwan and apply for the scholarship.

    7.     Are flight tickets and the expense for quarantine facilities sponsored, or do students have to pay for the facilities themselves?
    Students have to pay for the flight ticket, facilities for quarantine, and dorms themselves.

    8.       Does the program provide health insurance?
    No. The health insurance is paid for by the students themselves. As regulated by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, all foreign students are required to buy health insurance, either insurance in their own country or insurance provided by NCCU’s Chinese Language Center.

    9.       Is there a certain time for the program to begin? Or is it possible for me to choose when I want to come?
    Yes, you can choose when you want to come. Please keep in mind that you are required to study Chinese at NCCU’s Chinese Language Center for at least 3 months. Please also make sure that Chinese courses are offered by NCCU’s Chinese Language Center for the time you are planning to come.

    10.      What is the qualification for applying to the program? Do I need a certain level of Chinese?
    All UVA students and University of Leeds students who are interested in learning Chinese are welcome to apply for the scholarship.

    11.       To whom should I pay the tuition? To my home university or NCCU?
    Scholarship recipients should pay the tuition to NCCU.

    12.      What are scholarship recipients’ tasks and duties?

    For awarded students from the University of Virginia, you should:

    Ø   take Chinese courses from NCCU’s Chinese Language Center for at least 15 hours a week.

    Ø   commit to providing a total of 10 hours in language and cultural exchange in local elementary schools.

    Ø   take a Mandarin proficiency test (TOCFL-Speedy Screening exam, including a reading and a listening exam) before the start of the class to determine the level of your language ability, and the TOCFL exam after finishing the class.

    For awarded students from the University of Leeds, you should:

    Ø  take Chinese courses from NCCU’s Chinese Language Center for at least 15 hours a week.

    Ø  commit to providing a total of 10 hours in language and cultural exchange in local elementary schools.

    Ø  take a Mandarin proficiency test (TOCFL-Speedy Screening exam, including a reading and a listening exam) before the start of the class to determine the level of your language ability. Awarded students are also required to pass the low-intermediate level of the TOCFL Chinese language proficiency exam within 1 year after their study in Taiwan.

    13.   Besides the stipend from the Huayu BEST program, is there any other subsidy or allowance?
    We subsidize travel costs for students to commute between NCCU and the local schools where they are teaching English.

    14.    Do I need to pay for the TOCFL-Speedy Screening?
    TOCFL-Speedy Screening is free for students from UVA and the University of Leeds. Note that the TOCFL-Speedy Screening is NOT the TOCFL exam.

    For students who wish to apply for the Huayu BEST scholarship, please email You will receive a personal account and password for the TOCFL tests within 24 hours. (You may learn more about the TOCFL exam from the TOCFL official website)

    15.  Can I earn credits by taking Chinese courses offered by NCCU’s Chinese Language Center?

    NCCU’s Chinese Language Center does not offer credits for classes. However, for students from UVA, the credit hours earned by the students while attending the CLC NCCU will be accepted towards the student’s degree program, contingent upon the approval of the student’s academic dean or advisor at the University of Virginia and subject to the published policies and regulations, as documented by the academic department.




    u  Taoyuan International Airport 桃園機場

    u  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of R.O.C (Taiwan) 外交部

    u  Ministry of Education 教育部

    u  Taiwan Centers for Disease Control 疾管署

    u  National ChengChi University 政治大學

    u  Chinese Language Center of NCCU 政大華語中心

    u  Master's and Doctor's Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at NCCU 政大華語文教學碩博士學位學程

    u  Office of International Cooperation in NCCU 政大國際合作事務處

    u  The University of Virginia 弗吉尼亞大學

    u  Department of East Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures at UVA  弗大東亞語言文學文化系

    u  University of Leeds 里茲大學

    u  East Asian Studies - Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures 里茲大學東亞系


Address: 64, ZhiNan Road, Sec. 2 Wenshan District, 11605 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL: 886-2-29387141, 886-2-29387268   FAX: 886-2-29396353
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